Collective Action for Bay Area B Corps
B Local communities exist to foster connections, champion the stakeholder economy, increase the positive impact of their communities, and raise awareness of the B Corp movement. In alignment with these goals, our Action Journey Program was designed to support B Lab U.S. & Canada’s Pillars of Change and advance local climate justice, racial equity, and stakeholder economy initiatives.
Action Journeys are designed to align with the evolving B Corp Certification standards, ensuring that local B Corps remain at the forefront of changing requirements for becoming a Certified B Corporation.
Climate Justice
There is no planet B: Humanity depends on our planet to survive, and the planet depends on humanity. Healing our home requires ending win/lose practices that provide wins for businesses and losses for the planet and its most vulnerable people.
Racial Equity
True racial justice requires listening and learning. It means doing the work to dismantle unjust policies and practices, and building more just business models and organizations. It means showing up as imperfect partners and embracing vulnerability with bravery, humility and compassion.
Stakeholder Economy
People and the planet must be of equal or higher value than short-term profits. In this new paradigm, businesses that help all communities heal and thrive are rewarded. A stakeholder-centered economy is the triple bottom line in action, a system in which human and environmental well-being are essential.
Collective Action Advisors
B Lab and the Ceres Policy team have partnered to jointly mobilize the B Corp community to advocate proactively or defensively for state, federal, and global policies, where possible, that promote clean air, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and the reduction of carbon emissions, and reduction of harm to environmental justice communities, as well as support job creation and a sustainable economy. Ceres does this by tracking, sharing, and communicating political and policy developments and engagement opportunities as they relate to advocacy priorities identified by the B Corp Community.
Ceres Policy (Business for Innovative Climate Energy Policy - BICEP) Network: Leading investors and companies know they need ambitious policies at all levels of government to meet their own bold climate targets, reduce climate risk, and build a sustainable economy. The network mobilizes investors and companies—and engages with key lawmakers and regulators—to make the economic case for innovative climate and energy policies at all levels of government. It provides members with the tools and knowledge they need to effectively engage with state and federal policymakers on climate and clean energy policies and demonstrate leadership and action that will result in a stronger, more sustainable future.